Selection of SW2022 temporary axes


on SW2022 during the selections, the software takes the temporary axes even under the surfaces

How can this method of selection be removed?

Thanks in advance


In the system options, under the "selection" section, you must uncheck the box: 

It may be handy in some cases, but I too quickly annoyed because it also selected the edges hidden by surfaces I wanted to click on.

Kind regards.

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Thanks A.Eriaud  but this box is already unchecked but the axes of each ray are selectable despite this


Hello @hoyt59, and unchecking the boxes in the box "selection of hidden edges"?

thank you Sylk but as for the previous answer the hidden edges box is unchecked

It does not take on hidden edges but axes


By "axes" do you mean plans?

Well, today that I want to take a screenshot he doesn't do it to me anymore!!


it does that to me in capture

Have you tried with hidden axes?

Sylk , in fact I activated all hidden

I never had the problem with previous versions, this phenomenon appeared with the 2022, even with the SP1.0, the problem continues

Hello @hoyt59, I may have the solution to your problem: selection filters.


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I have the same problem but it's not constant. Yet another weird thing

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I just found this in the settings:


thank you I'll install SP2.0 because in SP1.0 the line is not there