Saddle reinforcement on penetrating stitching. SOLIDWORKS 2014

Good evening everyone

I despair of making the following thing, a reinforced saddle that surrounds a stitch on a ferrule under SW 2014

See the photo



If anyone has an idea... The interest is to have this reinforced saddle flat to then flame cut it in a sheet metal and roll it to finish.

Thank you for your valuable advice!



If you have already created the part, you just have to make it a sheet metal part by inserting a bend with the radius of the tube and the K factor of 0.5. There is the "inserted fold" function. I added a piece in SW 2012


If it's to unfold the part in complete blue

so the tube with its wolf's mouth and the shape that hugs the outer skin of the perpendicular tube

unfolding will not be possible

if it is to create the piece that hugs the outer skin of the grey tube

The walkthrough is to create a straight line to make an unfolded 

half a tube with an inter diameter = the outer diameter of the grey tube

As the outer lines are straight you can unfold 

Create a sketch on an offset plane and project it onto this half-tube and modify the strokes into a construction stroke

you will have your rectangular sheet metal with the construction lines for the internal and external cutting

As soon as I'm on my PC I'll show you if you haven't understood well


Hello everyone and thank you for your answers.


That's where I am... SolidWorks now gives me an error when I want to unfold the part.


Thank you






The basic ferrule is 763 in outer diameter and 8mm thick
The penetrating tap (which is also a ferrule) is 273 mm in outer diameter.

The famous reinforcement seat is therefore in an inner diameter of 273 mm, necessarily it has a width of 40mm and a thickness of 8mm.

And also I forgot to specify that the 273 diameter tap is offset by 165 mm in relation to the axis of the 763mm ferrule




I arrive at the PJ, there I'm going to eat but if it's okay with you, I'll explain how I did it this afternoon... (it's parasolid because I'm in SW 2015...)


see attached



attached file in SW 2012

with some imperfection of the notching but in theory the dimensions are good from what I understood

I was forced to do via a polygon on my version of SW



Let's see what will suit you best but I have this solution:

From your file, change the first extrusion to "normal material removal"

Change the sketch of the following extrusion by adding a tab that goes through the origin (unfolding origin):

Also remove normal material which gives this:

And once unfolded:

A pretty egg! All that remains is to get rid of the little leg...

That's it for me:)

Excellent thank you for your precious help.


In fact you work in folding so the reinforcement saddle would be folded here by successive folds?


How to proceed with rolling on a rolling machine?



for the driving ditto it doesn't change much

The fact is that via the coin @ P.Munoz 2 

there seems to be some different why not the same ref from the side surely the off-axis to the air + pronounced at home

Were you able to open my file and understand the principle


I don't know if you're talking to me or to gt22 but I'm in the sheet metal work indeed. On the other hand, I don't know too much about driving, if I had to do it at home it would be like gt22 showed in successive folds... Sorry.

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@ munoz 2

Can you explain to me why we don't have the same visual

didn't we take the same ref aside?


If you have 2015 I attach the file to you and you can compare.

I could have made a mistake on some functions, I did it quickly... It may be because I changed the extrusions to "normal" on the face. But I also saw that not all the sketches are totally constrained so it could have moved too...

Will you tell me if I missed something:)


and NO I stayed on SW2012

and not yet ready to change

given the lack of evolution of the new versions

@+ ;-)

Thank you to both of you

I will study that tonight in detail

Have you been able to look at my attachment to find out where the dumpling was... I've only been using SW for 2 weeks... and so I can't unfold my curved sheet metal...


Thank you very much! :)

So, I made an overlay of the 3:

The original in green, mine in pink and the gt22 in blue. It's pretty much the same thing, it's just that of gt22 has a larger width and therefore the defect that makes the egg-shaped part unfolded is more accentuated on it. But both are okay in my opinion.

Otherwise the problem came from the fact that solid can't recognize the fixed face when unfolding (normal, there was no flat surface).

There you go. Good luck with your learning...


In the GT file


The 763 seems to be rated not on the outside but on the inside


Maybe this explains it?


If you have the opportunity to open my file and tell me PK I get this mysterious message...






I think that's what I was talking about when I said that he couldn't find a fixed face to unfold it.

Edit the unfolded function, solid requires a reference face to unfold, there impossible to select one on your part so impossible to unfold...

(look at a simple part that already works)