Service pack Solidworks


I can't uninstall my SP5.0 from Solidworks 2014 and it's seriously starting to run over me...
When uninstalling, it tells me to uninstall the SP0 when I installed the SP5..... How could I get out of this without completely uninstalling Solidworks??? Thank you for your answers!



Why do you want to uninstall the sp5.0?

without having to uninstall everything? What does that mean?


Because the installation bugged and it uninstalled my language pack and I would like to repair my installation to finalize it.

But now, I'm freaking out, an hour that I'm struggling, that I'm late in my work and that even uninstalling Solidworks becomes a real hassle, it gives me error messages on uninstalling... It's not complicated, DELETING EVERYTHING, it's not an unfeasible request!!!  

I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown -_-' 10keuros for a stew like that, it goes to my head...

In any case, forget it, I uninstall everything, and I burn the solidworks cd if I still have a single error message


It's by getting angry that we do even worse...


Removes everything cleanly, and redoes a nickel installation.


Will it be okay;) CHEER UP!!!!


yes, I managed to delete everything cleanly, by dint of insisting but redownloading everything, reinstalling everything, redefining everything my settings... I admit that I really don't have time to waste with this, we're completely overloaded at the club at the end of the year and I really didn't need to waste a day with it :-/ sorry for my annoyances^^

You don't have to download anything.


All the updates and installations you have made are saved in a "Solidworks Download" folder


You will find all the downloaded version and all the different sps.


@Joss Why didn't you copy your settings to a separate folder? I made a small partition on my C: to have a D: (easy under win7) and I pasted all my settings my background plan and other junk that if you palm them it sucks......

And imagine that I tried to install the SP5 but having no more maintenance (2 days ready) it managed to crash my original files.

So I had to "just retype the paths to the D disc"

It's boring but less long


And well I don't know what happened, but despite uninstalling the software, I reinstalled the software directly in SP5 and when I reopened Solidworks, all my settings were still there, whether it was system options, increments, file locations, and even toolbars. Everything is back to the way it was before... At worst, it's true that I had made a backup of settings a few months ago, I had been advised to do so... I don't know if he went to look for it on his own but it saved me from wasting another hour checking everything again.

Afterwards, @Gerald, all my backgrounds, my profiles, my templates, my blocks and other things are saved on a network disk so that my colleague has access to them, I wouldn't have lost that, I was afraid of losing my settings and all my options, I customized the software quite a bit and finding all the small options checked or unchecked would have been quite painful.

@Bart, well I still redownloaded everything because the last time the installation screwed up, which led me to uninstall all this today, I wouldn't have tolerated it crashing a second time, I preferred to start from scratch to be sure not to make an attack;p

@SEPM, in addition to your basic files, you could save SW settings with the "copy settings" wizard.

It's a shame that SW doesn't develop this tool more.


@Joss: SW sows so many m####e in the registry that even after uninstalling, if you don't pass a tool like CCleaner, it returns its small ones (license number, etc).

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But I've already done it lol 

I copied everything possible on a data disc that I only use for "duplicate" backups + a clone of my system disc set up once a month

@joss it's reinstalled because you didn't delete the settings folder (specific check in edit or you also have toolbox)

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@SEPM. Gerald: If the settings were saved, why did you have to retype the paths?