Simulation with sldwflow

Hello, I want to do a simulation with solidworks folw for a refrigerator, in order to see the thermal chrage and know the areas where the heat penetrates more,  the only possibility I found is to impose a temperature on the outer wall to simulate the internal flow, but is it possible to give the outside temperature and not that of the wall?

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Why wouldn't it be possible to choose the temperature of the fluid outside?


The external temperature of the fluid can be chosen from a selection:






Yes, this is possible by doing an external or not an internal study.





why don't you opt to do an exchanger-type study


you will have your outside temperature gas / fluid flow at x temperature at the inlet and x flow,

your walls, and your internal temperatures gas/fluid flow at x inlet temperature and x flow rate

you make a cut and you find the singular points via the color scale in the middle set 


@+ ;-)

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See this link Flow Echangeur tutorial

@+ ;-)

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