I would have liked to deepen my knowledge with the simulation module of SolidWorks and in particular in the nonlinear dynamic field. I want to calculate the fall of a ball that would be dropped 1 m from the ground and crash on the ground. So I modeled the ground and then the ball. The ball is in stress (tangent) with the ground.
The problem now is how to simulate the fall from a height of one meter. I tested several things, but the ball goes through the ground as if it were non-existent. When I put the contact between the ground and the ball in " non-penetration " the calculation doesn't start.
Hello, what is the purpose of the simulation? Is it to have the constraints after rebound (final stage) or to visualize the constraints during the phase of encounter with the ground?
Thank you Thom@s, I'll take a closer look at that. I watched this video but when I do the same thing it doesn't work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnO3wfnQXLs
The aim is to simulate the stresses during the ground encounter phase. But if it's possible to do it with rebounds, it would be great. Do you know if we can do it with Solidworks?
I just simulated the ground, but the bullet goes through it without deformation
You don't need to model the floor. Solidworks does not make shocks between 2 Elements. At most, you can drop an assembly on a virtual surface whose stiffness you indicate.
You can then draw a curve of constraints as a function of time and you should observe the bounces you are looking for (pay attention to the setting of the simulation duration)
I managed to simulate the fall as you said the fall, it's rather interesting. In the end, there is no need to do a nonlinear test, because SolidWorks already includes a drop test.
On the other hand, no bounces, I have to look at the stress curves, even if I don't know how to do it at the moment:)
If not, do you know if it is possible to simulate the fall of the ball down a staircase? I know it's a bit crazy, but I want to deepen this module.