Simulation - Advanced Advanced Movement?

Hello to you,

I would like to know in the simulation menu "advanced imposed displacement", what exactly is the difference between the notion of "circumferential translation" and "circumferential rotation". (cf "capture", lines highlighted in yellow). 

Thank you for your answers.



The air aid is quite explicit and detailed:

Here is the text (see the images on the link):

Suppose you have a cylindrical face with an axis coaxial to the global Z axis.

  • If you apply forced displacements to the cylindrical face in the radial direction only : the face will move freely in the Z direction and rotate about the Z axis. The other four rigid body moves will be removed.
  • If you apply forced displacements to the cylindrical face in the circumferential direction only : the face will move freely in the Z direction. The other four rigid body moves will be removed. Note that the face will not rotate around the Z axis.
  • If you apply forced displacements to the cylindrical face in the axial direction only : the face will not move in the Z direction. It also won't rotate in the X and Y directions. It will still be able to translate in the X and Y directions, as well as rotate around the Z axis. Therefore, only three rigid body displacements will be removed.

When a rigid body displacement is suppressed for a particular direction, the cylindrical face may deform somewhat in that direction. This means that the cylindrical face is not free to move as a set in the specified direction.


or see this link in French: