Simulation and deformed body

Hi all


I am trying to represent the deformed body of the enclosed simplified part, when a force is applied to the cylindrical area.

And I want to arrive at a deformation in contact with the plane passing through the fixed face.

Is it possible to calculate the effort required to achieve the desired result, without simulating the effort empirically?


Thank you


Attached is the simplified part


Hello Joris:

2 Methods:

- In iterations, you apply an effort until your deformation suits you.

- You apply an imposed displacement to your part and look for the resulting constraints

(see here

Thank you icome,

For the 1st method, this is what I call in a way you have to restart the calculation several times to get the desired deformation, for this simplified model it is quite simple but in some cases the calculations can be long.

For the 2nd method, if I apply a displacement imposed on the "tip" so that it is in contact with the plane, I do not arrive at the same deformation as with method 1


If you have the add-on module (Design Study), you should try the Optimization of your simulation study .

See videos on Youtube for more details

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Thank you @Aliende.

This module will help me a lot, unfortunately I only have the standard simulation license.

Hello @Joris

Have you solved your problem?

If I had to solve this problem, I would proceed in two ways

1°) the creates an anvil which is a fixed part (glued on the plane and I put a large deformation with a contact without penetration between the deformed part and the anvil.

2°) I replace the anvil with a virtual wall which avoids adding a Part and having an ASM.

The two solutions discussed are done with the standard version of Simulation

Kind regards

PS: I would like to draw your attention to a big mistake on the application of the vertical force. It cannot cover the whole face 1. A separation zone must be made beforehand with the "separation line" function. With the support as you did, your simulation will be wrong (if it doesn't waffle)  and worse you won't have the real deformation.   (see possibly the tutorial I made on the subject)

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