Beam simulation

Hi all


I have a tube chassis, with four tubes that serve as a bracon, these four tubes are well modeled in beam, but in the "cut list" tree a blue icon is on it and it's marked:


'The body is too short to be considered a beam etc... "


What does this indication mean? Would my model be valid?


Thank you for your help



P.S.: Do you know a toturial concerning all the connections between beam and volume, what can and cannot be done?

Because it is not easy to model a system with beams and volumes.

PS: I don't know how to insert an image.][img][/img][/url]


Can you put a screenshot of your structure?

Thank you

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Indeed, we should have an overview.


However, in order to be validly modelled as a beam, the length of the tube must be much greater than its cross-section. There is not necessarily an absolute value for this ratio. In general, it is considered that the length should be at least 10 times greater than the cross-section. Some go up to 20. This could explain the message obtained.


If this is indeed the case, we should use surface modelling instead.

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I added a link on a screenshot.


When I make the animation I notice that the frames plus the gussets "slide" on the tube, as if it was not linked together.

However, I did put a contact between the "solid" type between the beam and the surfaces in contact.


I'm afraid that the warning of the slenderness ratio will distort the calculation.


Thank you for your help.



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