Simulation sur motion Solid Work

Attached is the complete file with all the documents

Is anyone doing a simulation on SW

See the attached Solid Work  file as well as the technical data below


Blue Disc Diameter 680 Speed 3.3 RPM

Green Disc (Saw Blade Shaped) 12 RPM

Strip advances parts on vibrating rail linear speed 100 mm/second and 150 mm/second


The system must distribute the workpieces on the blue  disc evenly via the saw blade that takes a workpiece into each tooth


Thank you for your help




What should the play do: O56632B?

Just want to make an animation?



This is what I managed to do with the motion complement, i.e. in motion analysis and not in standard motion, the result obtained may not be what you were hoping for, see attached video file.

I can attach the SW files if needed.




Too strong Micky.... :-)

Attached is a new video of the files, I have increased the speed of the platter from 3.3 to 6.

Can be manage the materials in the contacts for a different result, to test.




Here is the file where you can take into account the loading of the part by the saw blade, you must remember to stop the linear motor once the part is in place.


As requested at 12 rpm for the chainring, doesn't change much to the results
