Simulating the Effect of a Spring (Solidworks 2012)


I would like to simulate the effect of a spring in an assembly using a "standard motion" motion study. 

Indeed, let's imagine a hollow cylinder with a piece A against a spring inside. If you press on part A, the spring will compress and when released, the spring will return to its original shape. This is the idea of the simulation that I want to make.

I tried with the "spring" function but I have the impression that it doesn't return to its initial shape when released.

Do you have an idea to do this?

Thanks in advance

Hello, the easiest way is to use motion simulation
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Here is a link that may help you.

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All you have to do is create a flexible spring that follows at variable steps with realistic movement

See this tutorial

good tutorial comment and welcome note

have a nice day @+ ;-))


My problem is not that the spring doesn't follow the movements, but that it has to create a movement, that of putting the part A back in place when no force is applied to it.

But in motion simulation I don't see how I could do that.

well you just have to create a spring like on the tutorial I posted

on my previous answer

and there the spring is completely following its course and its support

That's it, it's simple, you just have to create it, quite tedious but it works great

See this page of Fil de com

@+ ;-))


If I understand correctly, you want to simulate the effect of the spring's spring-back and not its displacement?

Yes, that's right, because it will only be thanks to this that my piece A will be able to return to the initial position

If the spring does not return to the initial position when released, it may be that there is a problem with the configuration of your motion study. Maybe the stresses are not good or the stiffness of the spring.

See this tutorial for the simulation of a spring via Motion

Comment and welcome rating

Thank you

@+ ;-))