[Smart properties] Problem with the "different from" function


Currently, I'm looking to use the differential group function on my different materials. I want to divide my materials into 3 categories in Smart Properties: aluminum alloys, steels and the rest.

To do this, to call a menu dedicated to aluminum, I used the function  IFF($Matiere=*3.*|Visible|nonVisible). That is to say that all designations in 3.XXXX (aluminum according to the DIN standard), this menu will be displayed.

Same for a menu for "steels": IFF($Matiere=*1.*|Visible|nonVisible)

But from now on, I would like a third menu for any subject that is neither of the 1st category nor of the 2nd.

I was thinking of writing a forum that would apply to any subject that does not contain POINTS.   IFF($Matiere<>*.*|Visible|nonVisible)

But this formula does not work. Any idea about why or how to get around the problem?

Try with = instead of <> just to see if it's not the dot as a text element that would be the problem.

Indeed, the point must be a bit special.   With the formula *.*  the result is always positive whatever the text, whether it has a dot or not. The only negative result of this formula is when the value is completely empty.

I imagine that we will have to find an idea to get around the problem ...

I don't know if it's possible but by combining the tests:

IFF(not(ou( $Matiere=*1.* ; $Matiere=*3.* ))|Visible|nonVisible)


I just did a test, the formula never has a positive result, even if you remove the spaces in the syntax.

But are you sure that the OR functions are usable? I had understood from the support that the AND and Or functions did not exist in these IFF formulas. Moreover, they are not mentioned in any tutorial.

For me there is no solution to combine in a conditional group, this is only possible with an advanced conditional property.

Can't you do this without making a group only with advanced conditional properties, even if it means accumulating them?

That is to say, nest 2 IFFs within each other? This is what I am trying, without too much success for the moment.


Maybe by trying this:

IFF($Matiere=*3.* OR $Matiere=*1.*|nonVisible|Visible)

Kind regards

It doesn't work either. The formula is correct, I think it's due to the fact that SmartProperties doesn't handle the OR function.


Based on the example at the bottom of page 13 of document http://www.lynkoa.com/sites/default/files/reprise-kb/Documentation%20utilitaire%20-%20SmartProperties%20parametrage%20XML.pdf, this could give for your third condition:


so if Matter = *.3* then menu not visible otherwise if Matter = *.1* then menu not visible otherwise menu visible.

To be tested...

Kind regards


For d.roger page 13 is dedicated to conditional properties, not conditional groups.

I managed to find, not without difficulty, the formula that works using the nesting of conditions:



Your formula surprises me a little because if your material is equal to *1.* then it is different from *3.* so your menu is visible, that's the first condition, it seems weird to me but hey if it works!!!

That's why I say not without difficulty. I spent hours trying to understand. I admit that I found the solution by trial and error by chance...


Just for my personal information, have you tried the formula given earlier?


This formula does not work. The menu rest enon visile in any case. Inexplicable...