SmartBom issue extracted to excel


I come to ask for your help because I want to make an excel extract with the SmartBom tool.
I have my nomenclature that goes back in the SmartBom:

But when I export to Excel, it opens an empty excel.
Anyone can tell me why?

Here's a screenshot of my settings:

Thank you in advance.

Check that your Folder is accessible (administrator right)
Check that the Nomenclature_type document is not empty.
And I think if your columns are already created with the name, check Don't export column names.
And shift the insertion in line 2 or more.

Another possibility you have set the general options (tools, Options) and in your project you have a different Excel file (or no Excel file).
To check, Project Selection (mcbom), Project Management, Project Options, Excel Export:

For your information, here are the functional settings with us:

The B6 lag is justified by a custom grid and many Excel automation macros.

@sbadenis indeed, the problem comes from the fact that the Nomenclature_type file is empty.

I don't have a model nomenclature at hand and at the end of the day I don't want one.
What I would like is for it to export all the data from the smartBom in raw and I will sort it out in excel directly.

I don't know if it's possible

The advantage of having an Excel file already made with the names of the columns is important.
You can already add an automatic filter on your column names and not have to do it every time.
Plus, it will allow you to see if it's exporting to the right Excel file.
Here are the export options for my project. (in 1)
Another possibility in your project is still if you have conditions that block the export (in 2):

Edit: Show us your options if needed to check.

Thank you for your feedback.
Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with this kind of setting.
Do you know if there is a link to a documentation, video, site or other allowing me to have a support to configure the tool?

Yes, help is accessible from each utility by pressing the ?:

Here are the shortcuts for Smartbom:

If you want, you can also take a screenshot of your settings and attach it here.
And as a last resort, if really stuck and you don't understand why (bug for example) there will still be the solution of the ticket with the hotline.

Great, I found a link to training, I'll start with that and cross-reference the data with youtube tutorials. It should do it.

Yes, in the worst case, I'll open a ticket.

Thank you so much for your help and time.

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