SmartDrawing - Problem of sheet declination by configuration and file in US standard


I'm currently trying to use SmartDrawing to generate the drawing for each configuration of a room. (the software must create a sheet for each configuration in my drawing)

I have two problems with the software:

- Every time I launch the software saw me from the right becomes a view from the left: the software automatically transforms my file into a US standard and therefore reverses the projection of the right and left views.

- When I launch SmartDrawing it stops during operation and does not go to the end of the list of my configs. Out of about 150 configs it only sometimes does 30, sometimes 45,... but never the 150. And if I then restart it by selecting the configs it has not processed, it forgets a good part of it again and deletes the one it generated previously.


If anyone will have a solution to my problems.

Thanks in advance 


Attempts to ask a single question per comm thread

it will be clearer for everyone

for the US Europe drawing standard

There is a standard checkbox

For the rest see your MyCadTools supplier




For my operating problem after trying several times it seems to be better, I was able to create the drawings of one of my files without the software bugging.

On the other hand for the US / Europe standard, do you know where this checkbox is in SmartDrawing?

Thank you



If you're on the right standard in solidworks 

you should be too Safe

Smart Drawing


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I'm on the right SolidWorks standard but each time I use SmartDrawing my file goes from European to US standard.



For the US standard, in smartdrawing, you use a template file of type drwdot (Creations plans - choice of template documents), check that this template file is indeed up to the European standard.

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The easiest way would be to open a ticket with support.

Kind regards

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For the crash, depending on the number of configurations, this is more of a bug seen with Visiativ as advised by gt22 .

For that, make a ticket.

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For the crash, I think the software didn't really like it when we did something else at the same time on the computer, given the number of configs it must have already done a lot of work for it but if I don't use the pc while the software is running it works pretty well.

For the US Standard I use the sheet declination tab (I create the drawing of one of my configs and the software adds to my drawing a sheet identical to the first one for all the other configs).

So I don't have a template file to fill in. And my first drawing that serves as a model for the following sheets is indeed in European standard and from a Drwdot in European standard as well.

After I use a trial version of MyCadTools for the moment, I don't know if it can have a link.

Thank you


I have the same problem today regarding the projection; No matter how hard I look, the only solution I find is to modify sheet by sheet in European standard after the fact.

@BLO otherwise I found a little trick is that you put yourself directly in American standard and if you want the right view you put a left view in US standard that you move to the right of your drawing.

I guess and hope that there is a real solution but it may already be able to help you out.

Thanks for the tip