SmartProperties & TOOLBOX

Hi all


Have any of them practiced setting properties via SmartProperties for parts of the TOOLBOX?

- when I open a part of the TB, it is read-only. So the properties that I can assign to it via the SP are not saved.

- how to retrieve the diameter/length info... TB parts for use in the SP?


Thank you for your help




There is an option to be able to edit toolbox documents:

"Always change the read-only status of the document before writing"

Specifies that the Toolbox temporarily modifies the read-only attribute of a file to make a change to it, such as creating a configuration for a new component size. After the change is made, the Toolbox restores access to the read-only file.

This option allows multiple users to make changes to the same document, with write access granted only briefly at the time of editing. Read-only documents for reasons of user rights or security settings in your operating system are not affected.


Which can be found here:


  • From Windows, click Start > All SolidWorks > Programs (version) SolidWorks Tools > Toolbox Settings  .
  • Click 3 - Set User Settings.




Thank you .PL for your answer to my first question.

The 2nd question remains open...

I found that in the nomenclatures, you can access the properties of the elements of the TOOLBOX (see attached image)

So we should be able to use one of these properties in the SmartProperties?

Kind regards


I think the files must have been configured to have the dimensions in custom properties. See here:
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Thank you .PL for your last intervention but you must have forgotten the link...


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Sorry indeed I forgot the link, see here:

Or here:

Or maybe this problem: