Solid-Work 2014 - Read-Only Opening of .sldasm Files

Good evening

For the past few days, I've been experiencing a problem with opening .sldasm files in read-only mode.

I open my assembly files (which are on the server) via the software explorer and these files are always read only.
If I close this file and go through the recently opened files menu, it appears in the list and opens without read-only.

For some assemblies, it sometimes puts me 2 reads only, which prevents me from "saving as" to regain control of the file.

I noticed that these problems appeared at the same time as the change of ISP in the office, I leave the PC on in the evening.
For about 10 days, I was forced to reboot the PC in the morning, the server having jumped during the night.

My colleague also has this problem with my files, but not with his. It's as if my software kept traces in its buffer and blocked the file.

Any idea?


And if you turn off your PC at night does it too? Surely things happen on the server at night such as backups, updates, etc ...

Kind regards

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Problem of loss of connection between the PC and the server, server crash: files are marked as open at the server level for a certain time. I bet if you do "files/get write access", it says you're the one who opened the file.

I persist in believing and advising that a healthy lifestyle in computing is to turn off your machine in the evening having closed the software correctly.


It may also be  that he left temporary files during a "not very clean" closure

They can be seen by activating the explorer option "show hidden files" they are preceded by a "~"

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