Solidworks 2020 SP1 stable enough?

Hello dear colleagues,

Have any of you already switched to SW 2020?
If so, do you consider it stable enough for an SP1?

Usually I wait for SP2 to update the positions but given that 2019 was a shorter year than the others :-) we are still in SW 2018 and I would take advantage of the low point to update.

Thank you in advance for your feedback.

Kind regards.


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Hello Dear colleague ;-) Dear Pierre S

As for stability issues, it's very difficult to answer because given the impressive number of functions of the software, if you don't use the one that has a BUG you won't see anything.

I believe that we must twist the neck of these stories of instability by understanding how new versions are made.
In a new version, only new features can theoretically be subject to BUGS. Because SW is a multitude of small programs that are activated (which are called) according to what you do and programs not modified by the new features are not touched or even recompiled. So if the sheet metal modules don't have any new features, there's no risk of bugs.

But it remains very theoretical and undecidable, I agree ;-)

In addition, if you have the twenty twenty, it means that you are under maintenance and that in case of a bug you are guaranteed to have full help even if you have to go back to 2019 SP5. So life is beautiful  ;-)  ;-)   except for those who take public transport.

So for you to switch to SW 2019 SP5 and when you have time switch  to twenty twenty SP2 or higher. Especially if your business doesn't need the new features.

An update on a single workstation takes 20 minutes so it will be found during the year.

Kind regards



I had the same reasoning as Zozo_mp regarding the stability of updates, i.e. that potentially only new features are likely to be buggy. That's why I installed the 2020 SP1 version last week.

For the moment no problem to deplore. (If this review makes sense with only one week of use)


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At home, we are still waiting for at least the SP3.

may the force be with you.




If it's to move to version N, just because it's the last one and there's no particular improvement that will be useful to you, I'll wait.

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What can I say except ALL THE same, I just installed the 2019 SP05 and I test in 1st on the 2nd workstation before doing it on the main one (when you can) a test PC basically^^

Good evening to you.

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Hello everyone,

Thank you for your feedback,

My idea was mainly to do the update on the server side (EPDM) during a period of slack because finding a slot where it doesn't disturb the design office too much and everything else is not easy (not finding it in 2019 :-( ).
Especially since the update on the server side is longer and "complex" than that of the workstations (as ZozoMP says about 20 min) so if I can do it only once I'm not against it.

So I don't really know what I'm going to do.




Personally, I always wait for SP2 or SP3 before installing on the server. As a general rule, I take advantage of the holidays to come one day to set up the update. Above all, before installing anything, make BACKUPS!!




For our part, we are still waiting for the SP5. You talk about a bug only on the evolutions, I can tell you that this is not the case. For Solidworks PDM, for example, in 2019 SP5, they managed to create a bug on the tool's native search map since 2009 (this bug was not present on the 2019 SP4). Just as I have already seen instabilities related to a change in the method of selecting faces for "cropping" in surface (area restriction function).

So the only way to make sure that you will have the right behavior is to test on representative files the functions you use regularly (since it is unlikely to use all the functions of the software) and see if they support conversion.

If you are using PDM, be sure to use the conversion utility and test the behavior on a small batch of files to make sure there will be no problems before deploying. Normally, whatever you do, the utility creates a backup of the original file (identified bak_xxx), just remove this suffix if the converted file ever presents errors (side effect, you will end up with a non-converted file).


For my part, I only work on SP5. We already have enough crashes to add more!

But I can't thank enough the brave people who wipe the plaster of the first versions to offer us the stability of an SP5^^



To keep you informed, I can test the 2020SP1 version via the SolidWorks site which allows you to test via the internet browser (
For the moment I haven't found any new problems which is already not bad, and some reconstruction bugs have disappeared (but there may be new ones).
On the other hand, there is no possibility to test EPDM with this solution, but you can test premium functions that you don't necessarily have.

So I think I'll do the update.


A quick question about licenses. Is moving from 2019 to 2020 paid or is it up to the user's choice and included with the reseller? ?

Hi all

@charleslr, to upgrade from one version to a higher version, you need to be under maintenance, which is not free.

To keep you informed, SW2020 SP01 has been installed on all EPDM workstations and servers for 5 days and no blocking problems to deplore for the moment.

On the other hand there are still some failures (EPDM / Office integration does not work, and some display bugs.)

Now I have to find who gave the best answer :-)

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Hello Pierre S

Regardless of your dilemma that we sympathize with, can you do as the following because we think there is a bug for the best answers on the forum. (see the topic on the subject)

Can you make a comment and then only then select the right answer. As a result , it doesn't give you the answer.

Kind regards

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Hello everyone,

anyone know how to report a bug to SW because I can't find it on the SW customer portal?


I'm wondering, how can SP1 be improved if no one installs them?

Also, it is said in several posts above that only new functions can be subject to bugs....

But then what about the known, recognized, reproducible bugs that SW has been dragging around for almost 10 years?

How is it that display states merge? (RPD)

How is it that symmetries are still messing up so much?  (SPR)

How is it that the dimensions jump on the sectional views of the drawings?

How come the toolbox is still messing up so much? even with the default settings?

How is it that when you change a profile in a welded construction you lose all the refs

How come we spend a lot of time a day in front of a "solidworks not responding" window?

How come if you give me a new PC with I9 at 5.3Ghz with 64GB RAM DDR4 ECC + quadro at 4000€ certified drivers with a freshly formatted Windows 10 on which you install only SW and its prerequ, I hang a SW2019SP5 with all the default settings and I make you crash it in less than 3 minutes top time and I can demonstrate a dozen reproducible bugs that have already been reported to Visiativ and Avénao on previous versions...

If a customer makes this observation on a machine I designed, I question myself and find solutions to these problems before thinking about adding a new function.


Otherwise commercial announcement on new versions:

Why is it said that drawings open much faster in 2019 than in 2018 when it's not true at all. (I did the migration just for that)

In 2020, the sales brochure says that MEPs open in 1 flash! Have you tried it? I don't trust it anymore.


In short, for my part, I think we should start from scratch and start again on a STABLE version of Solidworks because the more the years go by, the more it crashes and the feedback we do which takes us a lot of time in fact is not taken into account.



No more crashes than with the 2019 SP5. Some problems that dated back to the V2006 and 2019 seem to have been solved. However, it seems to be much less fluid. To be confirmed. Advanced use of welded construction, sheet metal work and special machinery. 

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Hello, as far as the MEP is concerned, the 2019 is just the opposite, it takes a lead to open and rebuild compared to the 2018, so inevitably if we go to 2020 and correct this greed it will be faster hihihih

And I totally agree to start from a "almost 0" version, too buggy from year to year instead of doing clean and this new policy to sell updates instead of a stable version. (and clean)


Hi all

Like many, I also advise to make backups before (when they also work) and keep your "stable" versions whose mini-problems you master.

For my part, in 2018 Visiativ had told me to install the 2018 version SP00, SP01... It was very complicated to manage, because even the basic functions didn't work properly. I should not have followed the advice of Visiativ salespeople, Mr. SABIANI, and first installed a 2017 SP05 version (advice from MyCadService technicians at the time).

The 2020 version has not escaped the new instabilities of the basic functions.

To conclude, I also recommend the SP05 versions only.
