SolidWorks Composer: List of Actor Icons

On SolidWorks Composer (3DVia), actors (especially geometric actors) have icons to the left of their name. Is there a list of all icons and their meanings?




Great question...

After some research (I'm curious!), it seems not...

However, to find the slightest info on Composer, you have to fight because for once, I find that the web is not very full of information about this software.


Looking for a communication software revolving around SW, I have a lot of questions about Composer and the answers are unfortunately often missing...


Good luck in the search!




I don't know of any document that lists the actors and their meaning for SolidWorksComposer.

But, for the most part, it's lights (that you add or remove at will), and above all, the recovery of the creation tree of the SolidWorks document, i.e., assemblies, parts mainly...


The main problem, if you are not at the origin of the design in SolidWorks, is to know what the parts are and there, it is the designer who gives a name "speaking" or not...


But maybe I misunderstood your question and in this case, don't hesitate to develop your problem a little more.


Best regards


It's normal that there is very little information on the Web to date... SolidWorks composer is recent... It is nothing more and nothing less than an evolution of 3DVia Composer (and above all a consistency in the names of the products in the SolidWorks range)

To be more precise, if I go by the attached image, the "Tower-2", "FenderWasher375-12" and "Hammer" subassemblies do not have the same icon. What for?

Hammer is not a sub-assembly... It's a room....


In other words, in SolidWorks, you can find:

- assembly, sub-assemblies


- functions (the functions that were made to create the part.


I'm trying to find you a list of icons and their meanings quickly

It must most certainly be, as Yves says, the components used during the design.

To get it, you'd have to try to create an assembly including another assembly and a simple part, and throw it all around in Composer.

For the third icon, maybe an element external to SW (in format?).


So let's see

I found this that should help you


Is it possible to resume a capture by expanding all the functions?



You can find this in the help of composing, see attached image.





@Yves, the link explains the SolidWorks icons, I think what is being asked is the meaning of the icons in SW Composer. No?

Kind regards



Yes, ok, but in the "geometric actors" do you see a difference? Well no... these are the same icons in SolidWorks and SolidWorks Composer...

But, if you find a more detailed list, I'm interested in making a document :-)

Thank you all for these answers. Thanks to Coyote for fully answering my question. Indeed, it was the icons of SolidWorks Composer that I was talking about.


Kind regards.

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