Solidworks Volume Creation from a Line Network

Hi everyone!

I have a little question about solidworks. I would like to create a solid piece from a sketch that includes a triangular network of lines.

I would like to put this turtle in volume (line width + extrusion). For this I have already retraced all the lines.

See photo 

I've tried to create surfaces and then thicken them, but it's way too long. Do you have an idea?

Thanks in advance! :)


To make it easier to solve your problem, you can post your 3D file if it is already made in 3D. This is to allow us to see how you have made this model because depending on your method it will be more or less easy to find a solution.

I suppose that the triangulation is to be done on a set of flat triangles because if they are concave or convex it would singularly complicate the proposed solution.

Also let us know which version of SW you have, because not all competent colleagues have the same version of SW.

Is it a "one shot" piece or recurring creations but with different forms. Draw me a sheep.

The forum's  intense gamberge mode has started, but will be significantly accelerated if you give us the file for example or a 3D PDF that will already give us a lot of information in the absence of the creation tree.

Kind regards

PS: Small indiscreet question ;-) How are you going to make the physical model and especially with which (uniform) matter or whatmatter is so heterogeneous.

@ All I had this several years ago and it was a real hassle because there is not a single edge that has the same length, not the same position in space with always different angles. I'll post a picture if you're interested. In addition, it was partly lively.



Thank you very much for your answer.

I am sending you my 3D file but it is only an incomplete draft from my attempts:) 
I use SW 2017

Of course the triangles will be simplified to flat. 
The goal is to make a kind of "cake" a few millimeters thick of the 2D image

I think I'll make several models with different designs.

Exactly like that

The model will then be 3D printed in PLA 

Thank you

Have a nice day


Hello @leocncrs

I understand what you want to do but AMHA you've complicated your life: whereas you could do this with a single sketch and a single extrusion because you're in the same flat plane.

You can make your complete model in less than two hours.

As I'm in 2019 I can't send you the file, so I made you a nano-tutorial in PDF.

Kind regards

PS: if it meets your wishes, you can close the subject ;-)

PS: in the PDF you will have an example on a curved surface (or curved it would be the same thing)



Thank you very much for your answer, I wanted to avoid making shifts, to avoid reworking each junction, by creating only simple lines.

Your domed sketch is super cool! :)

Thank you

Hello everyone! 

I found an even faster way (2 min) to make the pattern.

You just have to vectorize the image with inkscape for example and then create an extrusion :)

Hello Leo

Thank you for the information on this software which must be of great service.

I put the reference of this software directly in my precious bookmarks

You will surely forgive us for only responding with the features of SolidWorks ;-) hihihihi!