Solidworks: "Erreur lors du démarrage d'une application serveur"

Bonjour à tous,

Lorsque j'ai voulu inserrer une famille de pièces j'ai eu se message "Erreur lors du démarrage d'une application serveur".

Sauriez-vous d'où cela peut-il venir ?




Merci de vérifier si vous avez installé le KB3072630 de microsoft depuis Windows Update, come ceci :

  1. Pour ouvrir Windows Update, cliquez sur le bouton DémarrerImage du bouton Démarrer. Dans la zone de recherche, tapez Update, puis, dans la liste des résultats, cliquez sur Windows Update.

  2. Dans le volet gauche, cliquez sur Afficher l’historique des mises à jour.

Si c'est le cas il faut le désinstaller en suivant ce tutoriel :


Si ça ne fonctionne pas on peut réinitialiser les paramètres de SolidWorks (que l'on peut rétablier par la suite) pour déterminer si cela vient de la configuration du poste :


Procédure à appliquer:

"Typically OLE problems appear in SolidWorks when working with Microsoft Excel, the principles below can be applied to other OLE server objects.

Excel Based BOMs work through the OLE server process built into the Windows Operating system.

As a starting point it is often useful to diagnose if this problem can be reproduced independently of SolidWorks.

1) Create a Wordpad (Start > Programs > Accessories; not Microsoft Word) document and embed an Excel spreadsheet as an OLE
2) Open Wordpad, double-click on the Excel spreadsheet to open Excel and click away to close Excel
3) Open a new document in Word pad
4) Open the test Wordpad document and repeat from step 2.

Wordpad uses the same OLE client process as used by SolidWorks. You need to open the new document to force Wordpad to close the Excel running process, which SolidWorks does when not editing an OLE object, the extra memory needed to hold the OLE object open is more likely to affect a SolidWorks user than a user of Wordpad.

What to look for.

Using "Task Manager" look at the running processes. When editing the Excel object "Excel" will be a running process but not listed in the running tasks. When not needed the process should finish (Wordpad opens the new document, click away in SolidWorks). If Excel remains as a running process then it is not closing properly. Typically the second time you access the OLE server you will raise "Failed to launch server application"

A second test is to open Excel and then try the test workflow.

If a failed to launch server application error is returned the first time the file is accessed try opening Excel then try opening the OLE. If this is the case the registration of the OLE server is not correct, and Microsoft Office should be reinstalled. If a reboot is triggered, honor the reboot and make sure that the user performing the installation logs onto the machine again with the media used to install Microsoft Office is available in the drive.

If a "Failed to launch server application" warning occurs the second time a file is accessed, the problem is typically caused by an Excel process that remains running. In this case, Excel is not shutting down. Turn off any Excel add-ins and disable any files generated in the XLStart folder (for Excel 2003, go to Tools -> Options -> General -> At startup, open all files in; for Excel 2007, go to Office Button -> Excel Options -> Trust Center -> Trust Center Settings -> Trusted Locations).

Note: files can re-generate in the XLStart directory and the source program might need to be uninstalled."


Pour moi cela à fonctionné.


J'ai le même message d'erreur lors de l'ouverture d'un plan contenant un tableur excel. Sur les cinq station du bureau, il n'y que la mienne qui fait ça.

A l'ouverture du document le tableur n'apparait pas, en cliquant dessus j'aperçois le contour, en double cliquant j'ai le message d'erreur. 

J'ai essaye les solutions proposées mais rien n'y fait. 

Y t'il d'autres solutions? 

Merci d'avance 

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