SolidWorks is busy executing a command


I take the liberty of creating a new position about solidworks.

I make drawings every day, more or less large and I encounter this problem too often, solidworks shows me an endless "  SOLIDWORKS is busy executing an order",  and I lose 1 to 2 hours of work each time. Because I don't necessarily record every 5min. (knowing that it also takes me a little more than 1min to record).

This happens when I make a detail, a new view or simply a quote.

What do I need to do to stop this from happening again?

My configuration: - Intel Xeon W3520   2.67GHz

                 - 24 GB of RAM  (yes it's weird)

                 -In CG I have a Quadro K4000 

                 - And I'm on Windows 7

I hope you can help me.

Thank you

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A yes sorry, it happens most often when I have repetitions of parts in my assembly, it starts to slow down from 20 parts.

And I'm using the 2019 version of solidworks.



This is not normal, especially for MEP.

So that we understand!

  1. Does it do it to you from the first or does it happen as soon as you have made several updates to your MEPs
  2. Do you make automatic backups and above all, every how long.
  3.  Does the problem occur on all levels or only on some or always the same.
  4. what is the size of your ASM and the number of rooms in the ASM before the MEP. What format of sheet (A0, A4, etc....).
  5. Do you have a backup of the basemap(s ).
  6. Is the basemap used elsewhere without any PB or crashes.

Windows 7 for SW 2019 there are restrictions. Although I don't really see what Windows would do in there, especially at the time of the MEP.

Kind regards


Thank you for trying to help me.

1. This happens to me right from the beginning when I create my drawing and I add a view of my assembly.

2. No, I don't have an automatic backup, it also slows down the software.

3. It happens on all the planes I create, but it's still possible to work. Only recently the plan I'm trying to make, the slowdown is really more amplified. Followed by Solidworks crashing by showing me the window "SolidWorks is busy executing a command" and I am forced to restart it. I didn't have any problems when I created and designed my assembly.

4. About 500 pieces, including repetitions but I have already made assemblies of more than 2000 pieces without having too many worries when I create my drawing. I use a standard A0 ISO sheet.

5. I'm using a basemap that I've customized.

6. Yes, I use it very often without any worries.


I hope I have answered all your questions well. (Sorry for the mistakes)

Kind regards

Hello not alone SW 2019 Sp4 but for me not necessarily on something very long (an import diagnosis ) on the following screenshot.

The warning is displayed (the command did not last more than 30 seconds).






Our design office is in the same situation.

It can sometimes take more than an hour to simply open and print an existing drawing!

Of course, we're talking about big assembly but when the guys on the construction site come to have a plan for the implementation of several machines in a factory, it's our only solution.

If you make a cut to have only the parts of the machines, then it's even longer.

With 2019-SP5 on Win10 with processors overclocked to the max and ultra high-end graphics cards, it's very very long.

In addition there is a chance that it will crash so back to square one...

Namely, we tested the same thing under TOP-SOLID it seems to be much better, bcp bcp better...


Finally, I'm personally delighted that SW added this little window because when you're in front of Solidworks doesn't answer pdf 10minutes you don't know if you should kill it or wait. Now we see that if the CPU and RAM don't move we can kill after 2min, if it moves it's worth waiting sometimes a very long time and it unlocks.



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I forgot to mention that I have had this problem since I switched to Solidworks 2019. Before (2-3 months ago) I was on the 2016 version and I had no problems.

Now I can't put back the old version, because I won't be able to open all my projects made during this time.


Good evening @be_52

If you have the 2019 version, does that mean you're still under maintenance?

If so, then the hot line of your VAR, should you tell yourself why! especially if in 2016 you didn't have a problem.

In any case, as you are not the only one, it would be worth having an answer for the community.

Kind regards

  PS @ all those who have the same problem but who would be under maintenance.

I'm still very surprised that there is this PB for the 2019 version since SW announced that it had made very big efforts on the big assemblies (at least at the graphic level from what I saw.)

Thank you for your answer@Zozo_mp

How do I know if my version of Solidworks is under maintenance? (Solidworks Premium 2019 SP3.0)

What is the hot line of my VAR? 

Kind regards


VAR = your dealer

It's your boss who needs to know if you're in maintenance because in this case you have access to the hotline (phone support and remote computer pickup).

If, for security reasons, you cannot allow third parties to remotely take control of your computer, then it is up to the reseller to propose a solution in consultation with your company, because the time you waste (at 80 to 90  euros per hour of a BE) ends up costing thousands of euros, that is to say a hundred times more certainly than the cost of maintenance.

Kind regards

Good evening

The same goes for me with smaller projects (25 pieces). Indeed, since the switch to SW 2019 Sp2 (education version).

See my attached file in addition. 

So, I'm on a maintenance contract. I sent the list of my problems and the file (Parts + Assembly (and the Sub-Ass. + MEP). The technical support proposals did not allow me to solve this problem. As a teacher, I tried with other workstations from my 2 high schools (a multi-workstation installation and a network installation), always the same problem!

The technical support directed me to make Drawing files and not a single file with 21 tabs...

My PC under warranty, I had even thought of a hardware Pb... and no. However, the computer store offered me a lead: It installed a Samsung 256 GB PCI Express SSD, in order to install Windows + Office Pack and Solidworks. Then, to work on my current project  "MILLING MOUNT" in the classic SSD and only after moving it to archive on the SATA disk.

So, currently, the PC no longer crashes but the starting bug is still present.

I wanted to add, that this happens both in the MEP and in the complete assembly.

Finally, our unfortunate experiences show with more certainty that it is a software problem and not a problem with our working methods.

I take the liberty of sending this link to technical support.




Hello @lou.bellavia

Thank you for the very comprehensive document you submitted to technical support.

Please let us know the answer that will be given to you because there are several of us who have this very very annoying problem.

Kind regards


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Hi all.

Facing the same problems since the transition from 2016 to 2019, research has led us to an "incompatibility" bug between W10's memory management and solidworks pdm.

a priori, it's a bug and it has been reported to Solidworks.

The (temporary) solution was to switch all the machines back to Windows 7 to compensate for these slownesses

Hi all

So I contacted our company's reseller to give me answers.

According to him, Solidworks 2019 is very sensitive. He simply advises us to switch to another more powerful machine, or to go back to an older version.

I don't necessarily have time to go back to an older version of Solidworks right now. And I have a doubt about changing my PC, moreover that my company would allow me to do so may not...

For the moment I remain patient, but the time lost is starting to become enormous.

I wish you good luck and don't hesitate if you have other solutions to solve my problem.

Thank you

Kind regards


Hi all

Same problem without solution: "Solidworks is busy executing a command".

Worse and worse, now solidworks no longer reacts to every command and not just to the registration.

I don't even want to take charge of a hotline anymore and waste even more time, this problem is old, I'm in Solidworks 2020, I only want to change software, any software as long as it's not solidworks.

Nothing to do, it lags with each order, it's unbearable, impossible to work with this software, I worked better with solidedge in 98.

On solidworks since the 2003 version, it doesn't get any better Solidworks.


Alain T.

Normally, we avoid digging up a topic from 2020, and we create a new one.

Then for my part assembly of more than 100,000 parts and it remains usable,  it's sure that it's not super fast with this number of parts but it is still usable.

So if it does the same thing to you with very few parts, it's either inappropriate computer hardware or a bad software configuration or a problem of some other kind.

Solidworks is certainly not always ideal, but you shouldn't necessarily believe that the grass is greener elsewhere.

Edit: a track see if your plan layout template is not too old.

For my part, by recreating these models, it has greatly improved the speed of MEPs