I use SolidWorks to create parts to be 3D printed.
I recently realized a problem in solidworks when I do a circle extrusion.
This extrusion does not make me a perfect cylinder but actually creates a polygogne as can be seen on the attached images .
So between this error plus the switch to STL which converted the volumes into multitudes of triangles, I end up with "hoops" not at all smooth...
I would like to solve this error on solidworks to already improve my final part. Does anyone have an idea why it does this or a parameter to modify to improve.
What you see on the screen is not what you will get at the printer.
The aliasing effect is an optical illusion of the display. If you zoom out, you will no longer see the polygon effect. On the other hand, if you zoom in a lot, you will see the polygons getting bigger and bigger.