it's weird but at home it works... Do you have your image in the background??? If you edit your basemap??? I'm sending you one of my background plans and you can test...
I don't think there is a solution, because it reacts a bit like the mask orders in the graphics software
The cartridges being in the background the views are above. So the only solution I found is to place the image of the logo in front of the view, on the other hand it's true that the line of the cartouche remains visible even if the view crosses them
Well, I just saw that it all depends on the style of display of the view. In ombré (color) it doesn't work... In hidden edges it's good, we see the logo -_-
Except that there is no solution yet for the shaded one. I keep looking for ^^
Well I don't remember this bug on 2014! However, since 2010 I have gone through all the versions. Your logo is well saved in the background plan and not on?? I ask because I've seen this before!! The person had not edited the background plan to place the logo; she had just pasted it in the drawing and saved it as a model...
To get around the problem you could make a block of your logo and bring it back last in your MEP and glue it on top of the one you already had in case it is covered by a part of sight...