Solidworks Flower Pot Modeling


I would like to model this flower pot quite quickly on solidworks 2017 (or tinkercad) I master sw rather well but for the design of mecha parts rather. This is a bit too design for me^^ 

Do some of them have any leads? 

Thank you


On SW  2019 you have textures that turn into volume in the genre. But on SW 2017 you make a surface of the inside of your pot, you make your pyramid pattern, you make a curve repetition with the edge of your surface and you put tangent to the curve and you should fall back on a first line like that. You can also put a second direction and with luck you will fall back well. Good luck 

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not easy to do quickly.

I did it in SW17. In SW15, there were missing options to make the surface smoothed


Thank you very much! Indeed it's not easy, I thought it would be faster! In any case, thank you very much:)