[ SolidWorks ] Problem using the option: Scale

Hi all

I'm using SolidWorks with the Scale option, but I really don't understand how to use it!

For example, decrease a Y-rib by 2.1 mm for example.

Thank you for helping me.

Kind regards.


The feature on a part or the ladder feature in the sketch? If you want to reduce only one rib it won't work because the scale is applied to the body or sketch and not to a part.


If you want to use a 2.1mm rib why not change it directly on this rib?

The scale function is as said above global, with respect to the origin, the center of gravity or coordinated with a scale factor with 1 for the original. so if we put a value of 0.5 you halve your object, but in its entirety and not on an X, Y, Z axis.

The only place you can intervene on x or y is on the dimensions of an image in a sketch.


Do you possibly have an image that allows you to see your problem?

So thank you for your answers.

Effectively and with more precision to give you,

For example, reduce with scale: 3mm on Z; 2 mm on Y and 2 mm on X.

- You do Insertion/Function/Scale;
- In your case, you must uncheck the "Uniform scaling" box;
- enter the 3 coefs (to be calculated according to the dimensions).

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indeed I hadn't seen this box, for the time being it makes a rule of 3 to know the coef to apply to have your 2 and 3 mm


To reduce a single rib you can move a face.

It's not the cleanest function but it works.

To do this, Insert, Face, Move...

Thank you for your answers. But being completely bad at math ...

Do you have an example so that I understand how to calculate?

For example, on a Z dimension of 52.1 to set it to 50, in Y from 50.5 to 48 and X from 85 to 81?

Thank you.

Just divide for the 1st example 50/52.1=0.9596 and apply this coef.

For the other 2 axes I let you do the division ;)