Solidworks Routing, Cables/Wires Library


I perform (with SolidWorks 2015, but it is also true since SolidWorks 2012) a wire routing with the routing module and I notice 3 problems:
1- When I associate a cable reference to a segment, it inherits these properties, but the wires that make up this cable (4.25mm cable diameter) also inherit the properties of the cable while their bending radius is much smaller for a 1.5mm wire diameter.
2- From the routing library manager it is not possible for me to change the bending radius of a cable or these wires, the value entered disappears after validation of the entry.
3- From the routing library manager it is not possible for me to change the outer diameter of a cable, even when creating a new cable.

I found only one solution is to modify the .xml file managed by the routing libray manager but the bend radius of the wires is not taken into account in the 3D, the alert is always based on the radius of the cable.

Since the Routing module is used by SolidWorks Electrical, Electrical users should be aware of this phenomenon...

Hoping that I had been sufficiently clear,
Thank you in advance for your support.
Kind regards.


Not being an expert in this module, I found this info in the help:

Enable the minimum bend radius check for wires.An error is reported if the bend radius of an arc or spline in the routing is less than the minimum specified for the individual wire or conductor in the cable library. If there are many wires in the assembly, this option may cause a performance decrease.


And you'll probably find some info here:

Otherwise, to download existing libraries:

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Electrical Cables

Enable the minimum bend radius check for cables. An error is reported if the bend radius of an arc or spline in the routing is less than the minimum specified for the cable in the cable library.

Enable the minimum bend radius check for wires. An error is reported if the bend radius of an arc or spline in the routing is less than the minimum specified for the individual wire or conductor in the cable library. If there are many wires in the assembly, this option may cause a performance decrease.

 A bend radius check is always performed by default for tubes and electrical routings. An error is reported if the bend radius of an arc or spline in the routing is less than three times the diameter of the tube or beam.

Percentage of correction. Automatically increases the calculated usable length of the electrical cable to account for wire deformations, etc. that may be present in a real installation.


Yes indeed the help gives a lot of information, I went through it a lot before venturing into 3D routing.

Moreover, the routing module is much better thought out today than it was at the time of SolidWorks 2009. However, there are some errors, I am also surprised not to find more remarks on this module as it is also used for SW Electrical.

In short, I clearly think that this is a 'bug' of SolidWorks, this is also what the support confirms to me. Too bad for a module that has to manage wiring, it's not really finished...

Kind regards.



This is a bug related to the French language, info reported to SolidWorks for correction in a later SP.

Kind regards.