Solidworks | Total surface area of several surface elements


Importing a step file gives me a part composed of several surface bodies (~200 bodies).

How can I calculate the square footage of my room? The center of mass tool doesn't work because I don't have any volumes. The measurement tool asks me to click on each volume body one after the other (and the right-click selection by tangance does not give anything convincing about my part).


Is there another method to measure the total area of my surface area?


Thank you


NB: I use SW 2017

With the measurement tool instead of selecting each face you do a CTRL + A?

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Hi, thank you for your answer.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work. This selects the part in one piece, and not "all surfaces" and as a result, measurement does not give me any information. =/


Other dees?

Can you provide us with the said part in question to carry out tests? 

Select all polygon bodies in the tree (by selecting the first and then the last with the shift key)


I can't share the file for privacy reasons with my customers. =/

And no, even selecting all the polygon bodies with shift and then clicking on the surface tool, it doesn't work. (By the way, via this method, even if you select a single polygon body via the FeatureManager, if you then click on the Measure tool, it doesn't give measurements of the body.



See attached doc.

may the force be with you.



Thank you all. Obi Wan's solution works.

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