I have differences when I set the calculation by the delta L and by the K factor.
In the drawing, I also have to "tinker" between the sketch and the sheet metal function.
Currently, I am writing a course on folding, I have found in my research methods with "Errors" but there has been no development and correction to this testimony.
So the course of this course leads to dimensioning a room from the inside. The workshop, which prefers external dimensioning, requires uniformity for reading. It is obvious that the accuracies of certain dimensions remain unsuitable for sheet metal work.
That is not the problem; is that starting from a drawing dimensioned outside, when we do a calculation by hand with the delta L, we find an LD and if we go through Solidworks and the two methods then the results are all different.
For ac cobra 427, yes indeed, there are errors (that's all my problem) however the loss at the "D" bend = + 0.3 is very positive (AMADA table).
I presented several exercises, and until now I always found the same results between Solidworks and the calculation by hand.
in the 1st way of calculating there is an error with the 1st fold which is at 30 with an angle of 75° because in the LD you are at 30 for the fold line which does not stick 30 ext with a fold line at 30... Same for the 190 in mixed which is in 213 it's not logical and again for the 35 which turns into 58!
And in the way of calculating you add 190.72+0.3 and in my opinion it should be subtracted.