SolidWorks 2024 SP0.1 - Functional Stress References


Ladies and Gentlemen.

Since our move to the 2024 version, we have been unable to properly drag and drop our design library parts.

In previous versions, we were able to create stress references on our parts so that we could quickly integrate them into our assemblies from the design library without having to constrain our parts every time.

During a drag and drop, the part " naturally " constrained itself on a selected face or hole, positioning itself in such a way as not to collide with the existing part.

Since the 2024 version, this " anti-collision " logic no longer works, the part seems to choose one side or the other almost randomly, which forces us to constrain by hand about 50% of the time (very painful for the quantities of parts that we have to integrate on a daily basis).

We have tested different approaches, different kinds of references, constraints, etc., the problem remains and seems inevitable... From there to talking about bugs, there is only one step.

Our request is therefore as follows:

  • Have you found a miracle trick?

  • Are you experiencing the problem at home?

  • Do ToolBox users have a similar issue on V2024?
    (Because in our opinion, the constraint operation of the ToolBox should be similar)

Do not hesitate to do the test at home, and to ask us for additional information to dig deeper into the subject. Thank you. :upside_down_face:


The drama of the Sp0 versions...
You can use the "TAB" key to reverse your constraints during drag & drop.

Kind regards.


It's a backup solution that seems to work, thank you very much!

Thanks for the tip, always good to know.

By the way, yes, like a large part of the users here, it's SP05 or nothing :blush: which forces you to be in V-1 version compared to the very latest.

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Don't dissuade all our brave beta testers @FUZ3D otherwise even our SP5 one day will be buggy!