SOLIWORKS 2018 - Flow calculation and bidding for quotation

Hi all

I have made different plans for the manufacture of steel and wood furniture for my apartment, design finished, now comes the order of the material: the only way I have been able to find so far to know how much I need is to do it by hand, something quite long and laborious, Not to mention that it is unreliable given that given the number and complexity of some assemblies I may forget some parts to be integrated into the flow.


So here's my question: is there a feature in SolidWorks 2018 that allows me to automatically model this throughput list with the number of type A parts and length X, the number of type B and length Y parts, etc.

For example, for a 600x400 frame with a 20x20x3 angle, I will end up with a list indicating

- 2 x 20x20x3 lg 600 double 45° angles

- 2 angles 20x20x3 lg 400 double 45°

I specify that I do not intend to do any drawings, having the computer support in front of me during the manufacture, and that all my constructions are made by the "welded construction" function.

I admit that I looked for a while but the only solution I could find was during the modeling of the drawing by creating a detailed nomenclature, which would not save me time.

Thank you all, I hope I managed to explain myself^^


the simplest would be to make a MEP of the assembly and to make a bill of materials that will give you the need for each reference and for a question of optimization of sheet metal and bar setting there are LogiTole and logiBarre which are great...

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Idem ac cobra 427 LogiTole and Logibarre.

Or if you're under contract, Cutting optimization for the bars (mycad tool from visiativ) also does the trick for the bars.