Invalid solution found


On some pieces, in a sketch, SW 2013 gives me "invalid solution found" with the lines in red or yellow depending on the case.

Until now I was redoing my play differently until I no longer had this message but it lasted, it lasted, it lasted...

And then I decided to ignore the message and surprise, he does the extrusion or the removal anyway, leaving me the function with a yellow triangle.

What should we do in this case, where is the error because there must be one?





In general, and in this specific case, it comes from a sketch that is overstressed. So redoing the sketch that is used for the extrusion of the tabs solves the problem.



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Without necessarily redoing everything, first remove all the relationships (coincidence, collinearity), then replace them one by one.
Sometimes, changing the type of relationship (replacing a collinearity with a coincidence, a coincidence with an equality) is enough to solve the problem, to avoid the effects of a cascade like segment3 equals segment 2, itself equals segment 1 to be replaced by segments 2 and 3 equal to segment1.

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A quick solution is to delete these two lines (rather splines), then redo the offset, 

The cause, I can't determine, the sketch is so under stress, anyway the offset with end closure works, it's what you did after that's wrong, I imagine that you adjusted lines and assigned verticality constraints :S

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Thank you for your contributions.

I ended up getting there by doing what @stefbeno advises, which is to delete all relationships, a bit long but it works.
