Problem of selection of assembly component

Hello @.

For a few days, the component selection feature in the assembly graphic view has disappeared, the faeture manager tree no longer develops for subassemblies, knowing that the option "faeture manager > scroll the selected object in the view" is checked, (capture 01).

Another problem may be related, and if I'm not mistaken, the constraints of the components were grouped in a folder right? (capture 02).

(for information, I have not done any updates). 

Thanks in advance, 


Don't have a backup of your profile to load to test?

Otherwise you can reset your profile to see if it comes from him and then restore it or load another one from a workstation of your colleagues if you have any!

To save/restore a profile in Start/Solidworks Copy Settings Wizard

To factory reset a profile go to the Registry Editor (in the search window type Registry Editor)

Then rename the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Solidworks to Solidworks-save2021-08-19

Launching Solidworks settings has been reset.

To restore the profile if it doesn't change anything, in the registry editor always delete the Solidworks folder that was created when opening the c (factory profile)

Then rename the Solidworks-save2021-08-19 folder to Solidworks.


This will at least allow you to see if it's related to a SW option

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For the second question, you have to play with the right-click on the name of the asm at the top of the feature manager: cf. PJ (my screenshot is ambiguous, you have to be on the "Display of the tree" section)

You must have the "Show Constraints and Dependencies" option checked instead of "Show Functions" (both options are auto-exclusive).


Hello @sbadenis , I just did a profile restore via a backup (then factory) but unfortunately it doesn't change anything, 

Yes, when switching to "show functions" the constraint folder reappeared, even the component selection went back to normal o0, thank you very much,