Problems with removal of material on transition fold when I unfold .... HELP!

Hi all

I struggle with sheet metal pieces that are made via transition folds.

I would like to apply material removal, in order to carry out laser markings, to facilitate rolling and assembly in the workshop.

No worries to create the material removal function, but on the other hand when I unfold my part, I no longer have my removals and the length of my part no longer corresponds ....

I am attaching my piece in piece for testing on your side.

Thank you in advance.




You must be on Solidworks 2018 or 2019 because I can't open it with my Solidworks 2017.


Kind regards


Could you give us a WWTP of your room as well as an image or sketch of what you want?

Good evening

For those who don't have the 2018 2019 version

Here are in ZIP the photos of the unfolded as well as the creation tree

Kind regards

EDIT, here is version 2 of the ZIP, I had forgotten an image
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You must delete your material removal, then use the projected curve function; it works, good production

Kind regards. 



See if it can help you, the principle remains the same for flyers. You need the Ø, the Height and the angle you want to give to the opening of your Ø. For your material removal; You will just have to make them in a row in the unfolded as I did to give the shape then folded and your piece will be finished and conform to your expectations.



First of all, thank you all for taking the time to look at my problem (and yes, sorry, it's SW2019).

Guillaule-7, I'm interested in your solution but how can I not see how you handle this, after the projected curve function? I managed to project the curve lines on the side where I want to make laser marking lines appear, but when I unfold the curves don't follow... Can you send me your piece please?

Otherwise, the solution of cobra 427 seems very interesting to me! No propeller or other repetition depending on the curve to manage, I have to deepen this for my future models!



If you are using SolidWorks, you must then make a 3D sketch from the projected curve and then remove material with the direction of direction from  your star sketch. 

Otherwise for those who use Sheetworks like me too, you just have to rename the sketch according to the conditions we predefined in the conditions for engraving. At home, I renamed the sketch of the projected curve to "Engraving" and that's it. 

I am using SolidWorks 2019 and Sheetworks V17.

Good production.

Hello again Guillaume_7

I tried with the projected curve function, 3D sketch by converting the previous entities, but then for the material removal function, it doesn't work (I don't even have access to the thin function, to be able to remove for example 1mm of material on such and such a face, in order to represent a laser tracing on one side only).

I would like this representation in the end (see attachment).

And to be able to manage as I want (by sketching or repetition), the number of inner strokes.

If you could send me a piece, it might be easier.



Hello attached you will find the extrusions quickly done I didn't take the time to constrain everything. I deliberately put a .sldprt so that you can see the manipulations. 


Hoping this helps. 

Good production


Great, thank you Guillaume_7!

Problem solved!

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You're welcome with pleasure!!!