I understood the method: the first body selected is a shell or sheet metal and the second thing the same thing with a volume body in addition.
If I understood the principle correctly, it is at the intersection of the projection of the first selected face on the second selected face that the cord is created.
It works, that's what you can see on the photo (red early on gray volume)
The problem is that it doesn't work with the other sheet (cyan on the photo), simulation doesn't find the intersection of the two faces??? Now, I'm stalling...
If someone could explain it to me it would remove a thorn in my side.
- I never represent welds in SW, I use symbolization in drawings
- I simulate welds in simulation only when they have multiple stresses (shear+tension+torsion+torque). A simple shear or a simple pull, I do it the "old-fashioned" way manually.
In the case I am currently working on, it is 2 horizontal beams of 14m connected by plates bolted together and welded on the beams.
They are supported at their ends, all with loads in the axis and offset. (see photo)
- I have pro simulation, the other one is too limited