Subtraction of bodies

Good evening

I have a problem in subtracting bodies (by combining function).

Basically, I have a body A in which there are 4 different bodies (2 of which are symmetrical of the other 2) positioned at the 2 ends of body A. I can remove one body of each model on each end. But when I want to subtract the 2 remaining bodies, it doesn't work and I get the error message "there are no bodies left after the combination operation".

I don't understand what this means because from a volume point of view, there is still a lot of volume left of body A. It is true that I have common edges to bodies two by two. Is this a problem, a bit like zero-thickness geometry?

If anyone has an idea on the subject, I'm all ears and thank you in advance.


Could you take a screenshot showing each of the 5 bodies and one displaying the bodies of your last operation?

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Here are the views of the whole: 

  1. the main body assembly containing the four bodies (symmetrical 2 by two) to be subtracted
  2. 2 bodies to subtract
  3. the other 2 symmetrical bodies to subtract

I think the problem must come from geometry but I don't identify the reason and therefore don't know how to act to remedy it.

Thank you in advance for your help.


The other views are coming


Next Exhibit


Result obtained: I subtracted one of the first two bodies (left side of the upright) and the other type of body on the symmetrical part (right side of the upright) foreground.

Say months if you want more accurate views.


Post your file

it will be easier for the anal Of the problem 


Hello not a specialist but I see that some bodies are imports have you done the "import diagnosis" on each body check if there are PBs of surfaces it can perhaps be explained.

Hello Franck,

No, indeed, I didn't make the import diagnosis. I'll test, see what happens. I'm going to do that this afternoon.

Hello gt22,

Here is the file


Hi all

I would like to thank you for your advice, remarks and for the time you have devoted to this subject.

  1. I tested the import diagnostics, they were all good but it didn't change the problem at all.
  2. I reworked the part file forming the bodies to be subtracted. I created a weld bead by extrusions and smoothing. Note that this weld bead is not fused with the rest of the volumes. Then I added it with the L-shaped part. With these two new bodies, the subtract function works with a few settings (such as the conservation of bodies).
  3. So, in the end, we get a volume.

Thanks again to all of you. I wish you a good day.

Do you know how to change the status of the question to "resolved"?

In advance, thank you for your help.

By choosing the answer that solved your problem 

and click on the right box


Hello gt22,

Thank you so much, I just understood. Really sorry to have missed this, I'm a bit stupid on this one.

Have a good day to you.