


I would like to make a silk of a flat iron about 5 to 6mm thick.  


Is it possible or is it too thick? How high can we go?


Thank you


Hello (and hello to all the brave people who don't make the bridge...),


I've already seen it done on 4 or 5 mm aluminum sheet. So I would tend to say that it is possible. I admit, however, that I do not know the exact limit.

Obviously, at these thicknesses, it must be done to the press. With pliers, you should not be able to exceed 2 mm at most.


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Anything is possible!


You just have to plan for space between the 2 plies of the silk. For 6 I would say about 40mm.

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I think it's possible, then you just need the necessary equipment to do that, probably more powerful machines.




It all depends on the tools you have,


FYI, to make a silk of this kind, you would need a tool with a "V" of 6mm max.


It will have to be a really strong type to be able to bend 5mm on such a small radius!! ....


By stamping, not possible?


Good luck to you.



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No matter the process, I just want to make sure it's possible.


What is the length of the dish?


Edit: How many centimeters/meters will this folding be done?

Approximately 60 mm

Only 60mm


No worries, what folding radius do you use?

Will this part be manufactured in-house?

For the department I don't know, I think I'll adapt to what is feasible...


The part will be made by a subcontractor so I'll see with him at the time of the production

I am a subcontractor in sheet metal bending.


Can you attach the plan to be sure?


I'll draw it quickly

I haven't done anything for the moment, I was just looking for information before drawing for nothing (or not)