Empty drilling machine - Invisible threads on existing part


In Solidworks 2014, the threads of a part do not appear despite the Shaded Thread Representation Wrap options being enabled.

By going to the design tree, opening the thread function, the drilling specifications are not active. Only the 9 thread type boxes are visible.

Similarly, to create a new threaded hole.

Going into the design tree on another threaded hole to edit it, an error message: The dimension value 0 is out of bounds. The old value 25.4 will be restored.

Again, the Standard and Type drill type options are not available.

When performing DFMXPress, all the holes are in error, because created just and visualized except for the threads, they are given with false diameter length ratio, because diameter 0!


What should I do about this bug to get my fixed coin?

I don't want to manually use the thread representation by choosing the edge, nor do I want to create a thread by helical material removal, but use the tapped hole function of the drilling wizard as usual.


For your information, when moving up the bar in the design tree, the problem persists from the first hole.


Thank you


Analyse DMFExpressMenu de perçage sans option


See these questions:





Thank you, I had read this comment well and that's the reason why I specified in the text that I had checked the options.

I expect a solution to debug a part in SolidWorks instead.


Have a nice day



It never worked on this file?

Restarting the computer doesn't help?


Can you attach a file so we can take a look???


It seems to me that when I designed the part, the threads appeared. Stopping the PC and restarting didn't help.

Here is the file of the part.

Thank you





Have you right-clicked on annotation in the tree and then checked displayed annotations?

may the force be with you.




Ok given your part, you have to check Show the annotations of the component.

May the force be with you


per piece

1 Like

Hello Obi Wan,

Apart from the display of the dimensions, the threads do not appear. So that's not it.

It also doesn't explain the error messages or the lack of options when using the drill wizard to make another hole.

How do I download the coin back?

Whether I click on it or copy the link into the Window: hieroglyphics file explorer, or want to save the target as: html only, or colpie the link in SoldWorks open: Open file: You can't open the file with this program. Try a different location, while I've closed all the files.


Please send me the sldprt part directly to robert.nissels@bbraun.com




I opened your room and was able to edit the holes without doing anything in particular.

amha, so it comes from your machine: it looks like SW has lost the path or files needed for the wizard.

Have you tried to open it on another machine?

If it works with another machine:

- check the "drilling assistant/toolbox" settings (see attached screenshot)

- and maybe consider a repair of the SW installation.



It's just, it seems to come from my machine. I can open files with threads, but I can't create them anymore. I tried on a sister machine and it works. However, the 2 machines address the toolbox to the same place on the server.

No matter how much I restore the page, the drilling wizard doesn't work.

I try again by restarting the PC and restoring the page.


Thank you

if you think you see the visual of the hole so the steps on the 3D

via the drill and trout tool in the Drilling Wizard

you won't have it since the hole is made via a sketch / revolution / removal of material

See attached image

I think it would be interesting to reset the SolidWorks settings:


We can go back if necessary, but at least we are fixed if it concerns the configuration of the workstation or not.


All right

After restoring the function, restarting the PC, the piercing wizard works again.


Thank you all