STEP with IPAD from your converter?


The question is: is it possible to view a step from an iPad???

Because otherwise I don't really understand!!


If you talk about the Datakit converter (and its plugins) on the Lynkoa website, I don't think there is a version for Ipad.



And yes hello is a dictionary word, definition of the Larousse: Greeting term that we use during the day when we approach someone.

I can't understand how you can ask a question without a hello and without the slightest explanation of your problem!

My answer will therefore be




@Coyote Maybe a wrong manipulation :/

An old Indian saying says that you should not burn the bear's skin before you have sold it ;-)

@Azrod the problem is that this is becoming more and more frequent on the forum, don't you think?


@Coyote Yes, I admit it's been quite common for a few weeks.

Maybe it comes from the same log:p

Hello Azrod,

Sorry for this mistake ... My good education will not forgive me. I am using the forum for the first time and thought that there was an imperative of fluidity ... You are right, a network is also an exchange between humans. Good. Accept my apologies.

My problem: I have an iPad and should receive a work in STEP format. Will the iPad be able to accept it? Which app do you recommend or licensed converter? 

Thank you for your help,

Sincerely, JL


Hello @freered and welcome to the forum,

What do you want to do with the Step only of vision or work around it?

Will your iPad be your only work tool?


In this case, there are a few iOS apps that work very well. Like:


Or else with Step View 3D (but for a fee):


Or even stronger: The OnShape online service


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Hello, to the kind attention of Coyotte

The message addressed to Azrod is also intended for you. My apologies reiterated. I agree with you, JL



Hello Coyote,

A correspondent is working on a project on Windows with CATIA software. He will save it in STEP format (desired by the manufacturer).

 I want him to send me all the results so that I can communicate and evolve on the product with the manufacturer who will make the part and the correspondent... In STEP format.

I have an iPad Pro.

Thank you 


In this case the solutions given by Azrod are interesting, otherwise there is MyCadPLace available on the Lynkoa site but paid if you are not a Visiativ customer.



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Thank you. I will explore these various avenues. Sincerely, JL 


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Hello, thank you for your help.

In fact, the problem was solved by 3DViewStep.

Kind regards.

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