Imported STEP: Edit Custom Property

Hi all

I want to import a step, modify it, and make the drawing.

When I import it, I choose my room model carefully, with the properties I had defined for the drawing.

But even after saving the component in .sldprt, it is impossible to modify the property fields, whereas normally it is possible. There he adds other properties, filled them with a little bit of anything, and all the fields are grayed out. A solution to be able to edit?

Thank you



This can occur when the 3D INTERCONNECT option is enabled (Hold Link to Step), This option can be found in Tools > Options > System Options > Import. 

For the part already imported, this option is symbolized by a green arrow on the part icon in the tree, you can right click on it then "Break the link" or "dissolve the function" and validate the dialog box, the properties should then be accessible

Hoping to have helped you, 

Have a nice day!


Hello Theo,

Indeed I just tested with the "dissolve function" function, and it works! 

I had already tried with "break external references" but it didn't work, error message.

Thank you very much!

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