Automatically remove an unsolvable constraint

Hello, I would have liked to know if it was possible to automatically remove a constraint that is impossible to set up??

What I mean is that when I try to apply a constraint between two components but the geometry or other constraints don't allow it, I get an error message that tells me that it is impossible to add the constraint and asks me if I want to force it or not (CF IMAGE). My problem is that if I say no, well the constraint is still there, at the very end of my tree and I have to go and look for it every time to delete it because it's in red... How do I tell Solidworks not to create constraints when I get this error message? It's starting to be long, especially when I do tests to position a component, I get this error message several times...





There is no solution to my knowledge!

You can try after this message to do a CTRL Z to cancel.

Or the SolidWorks wizard which displays only the constraints that are causing problems:

  • Click the constraint status ( Over-Constraint or No Solution Found) in the status bar (bottom right).


It's a pity, Solidworks itself says that the constraint is impossible to set up and yet, it creates it for me anyway...   =/


Another idea: you can also try to cancel CTRL Z or esc while the message appears, to be tested...


When you get to this message, it's because you've already validated your constraint, so it's created! The only way is to delete it or Ctrl+Z as Lucas says.

On the other hand, beforehand, if you selected your 2 entities and launched the "Constraints" tool, a tooltip appeared to tell you "The selected components are already totally constrained", or at worst, when choosing the desired constraint, you got a tooltip "The components cannot be placed in a position that satisfies this constraint... ". At these 2 moments, if you press "Undo", or Esc, your constraint will not be created.

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Yep, I tested, nothing to do, the constraint is always created...

I know that I can cancel the constraint afterwards but it wastes a lot of time... SW detects that the constraint is impossible to achieve in 0.5 seconds but sometimes, to remove it, I wait no less than 5-10 seconds... Not very well done that:(

@Benoit, yes, but I very often use shortcuts (the little bubble that opens automatically when you select the components)! It allows me to avoid going through the constraints tool (except for complex constraints).

Does it really take 10 seconds to launch the wizard and remove the constraint (see my first message)?

I think it's faster than looking for the constraint in the tree!

What shortcuts do you use for "simple" constraints? Alt+Slide?

I think he's talking about the new feature for 2014: the floating menu that appears on top of the screen when you select 2 sides in a 3D.

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@Lucas, well actually, it's not the wizard that's long, it's just when I do "Delete", my assembly which is quite big and which bugs quite a bit because of the fact that it's a file imported from other 3D software, makes you lag a lot (and in particular when removing constraints), When I was talking about 10 seconds, I didn't add the time to go and find the constraint in the tree, but just the time it takes for the software to remove it... That's why I was looking for a quick way to prevent the software from creating these unnecessary constraints for me!

@Benoit, I didn't know the alt+drag, thanks for the tip^^ I use the shortcuts that appear when I select two faces / edges / points! (SEE IMAGE)

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When I'm in an assembly, and by adding constraints, one is not possible,


I have this kind of message so no worries...


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And if I change one of my parts so that a constraint is no longer possible, Sw automatically puts it in a delete state.

Yes but by going through the floating icons, I don't go through the Property Manager and it feels like I had directly validated in the property manager, it's a shortcut but it's badly thought out by SW for this kind of case:(

What if you put a shortcut like "ctrl+shift+p" to open the constraint pane?


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Yes, for sure... But hey, it makes me do 3 keys, 2 clicks of selections and a click of validation instead of 3 clicks;p

I'm quite lazy^^