Remove facets from an aircraft wing profile


In order to be able to put a decal across the entire width of the wing, I would like to remove the facets that make up the profile.

Is it possible, knowing that this profile was imported in dxf?




Can you share your dxf file so we can see to remove facets or share your file. I'm under 2016

There is no possibility 

other than recreating a new surface


Here is the root


and salmon


and the sldrpt under 2018 sorry


Good evening

Why delete faces from your kite when you just add them to the selection to extend the decal's range?

Example with a barcode on your wing:

Kind regards

1 Like

I didn't know.

After several tries, I got there with the barcode but not with my png.

Is there a way to do this png?

"I didn't know ": I suspect, my question was purely rhetorical. We are here to learn.

What exactly is the problem? If you can illustrate it, it will be appreciated.

It's hard to speculate without knowing the settings of your decal or what you can't do.


On the wing of the plane that I model and build, there is a decoration, a kind of yellow arrow.

On the plane itself it's easy, I paint on the model, it's another matter since you also have to respect the dimensions and the positioning.

When I use for example the barcode cited as an example above, it works but with the drawing of the triangle I made, it doesn't work.

I attach a photo of the plane


I think that the image file I drew must not be of good quality, I attach it too.

This drawing is from a SW sketch exported as a jpg and converted to png


When you say "it doesn't work", I guess you mean that you don't have transparency, not that your image doesn't apply on the wing. Am I wrong?

Indeed, it is of poor quality and it is not a good method to create a decal, especially a transparent png. Would you have Photoshop or Illustrator?

EDIT: Since the explanations for creating decals is another subject, for which I'll make a tutorial instead, I've made your decal, to be retrieved as an attachment. It is already doubled and oriented to facilitate symmetry.

Here are the settings to use to apply it cleanly and achieve this result:

1) Add a new decal. "Image" tab. Select the image file, and use the apha channel as a mask:

2) "Projection" tab. Select all of the following faces to assign :

3) Select the "Projection" mode, the "Top Plan" as a reference, and the following coordinates :

4) Check "Constant proportions", and enter the height (the width will adjust):

After all this, you should see this:

5) The decal remains to be validated via the green checkmark.


If the yellow stripes (attached) do not meet your criteria, do not hesitate to let me know.

Kind regards

1 Like

Great, it works great.

As for the tutorial on the decal, I couldn't find one on the net.

I quote you: "When you say 'it doesn't work', I guess you mean that you don't have transparency, not that your image doesn't apply on the wing. Am I wrong?" 

I don't have photoshop or illustrator, in general I use photofilter or paint (and then simply to resize to take screenshots, tinkering!!) but I might be able to get them.

Here's what I did, I purposely omitted to select the 6 facets on the edge of attacks




I got the 2 softs in question.


Well, in that case you can follow the tutorial I'll do as soon as possible.

The initial problem being solved you can check the solution, thank you.


Yes, the initial problem is solved but the decoration is not finished.

How to be notified of the distribution of your tutorial?



I'll let you know.

What are the different types of decorations in your project? Lines, logos, labels, texts, other?

I'm sending you 2 photos


and the second


The second being an extension of the wing deflections, it will be enough to modify the image used for the wings to lengthen it and thus be satisfied with editing the properties of your wing decal in order to add the faces of your empennage, and adjust the dimensions. The alignment will then be perfect.