Delete unnecessary operations


How to delete operations that have become useless,

Thank you.

Which software is it on? Autocad, SolidWorks, others?



Same as Alain!!

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If the question is about SolidWorks Composer, I think it's not possible directly in Composer, you have to use SolidWorks.

It is Solidwoks.


The problem with SolidWorks is that if a feature uses or is based on a face, edge, or point of another feature, you can't remove that feature without removing the parent feature (the feature it relies on). I think it's a novelty for 2015 or 2016.

Otherwise, a method that is not clean at all, is to remove material that removes what you don't want!

Thank you for the answer.

If I make a hole that later becomes useless by another operation, I can just delete that hole.

If I lengthen a piece by adding loom, I have to keep both operations. A reconstruction is not going to bind them into one part. What is the purpose of reconstruction?

Kind regards.

Yes, just delete the hole with a right click delete/delete.

To "lengthen" a part, it is recommended to modify the starting function (if the profile is the same) rather than creating another extrusion. If you still want to create another function to add matter, you have to choose the "merge" option so that the 2 bodies form one.

The reconstruction (CTRL B or CTRL Q) is just used to refresh, recalculate and then reconstruct all the functions of the part (or the constraints of an assembly.

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Thank you for all these answers.

Kind regards.