Deleting Default Attachment Lines from a Note - SolidWorks


I have to enter a lot of notes with different related properties.

By default, notes have an attachment line that I have to remove every time.

How do I set SlidWorks so that a note is unattached by default?

I couldn't find anything in the Options on this or in the previous questions.

Thank you

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If these are recurring notes, you can make a template out of them and have it in the design library. I think a simple Ctrl+ Drag the note into the library is enough.


Normally by default with auto attachment line, it does not attach unless you click on an edge or face.

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You can manage your note attachment type in your document template directly.

In Tools, Options, and then Document Properties.



@Benoit.LF -  the grades are not of the same nature


@opiep27 - When there is a certain density of entities, these lines of attachment are painful; It's better to turn them off. But with each note, it's a little time wasted each time.


@flegendre - Yes, I know. But what I wanted to know is how to make notes that by default have NO attachment lines and conversely, put them if necessary.


Not sure if there is a solution, I wait a little to close the question




Someone is asking for the annotation attachment line to be centered by default here:


The best answer is "make a request for improvement" (= ER).


Even if it's not exactly the same problem, it looks pretty much like it:

The default behavior of annotation attachment lines is not fully configurable...

So I don't think it's possible!

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There are 3 requests for improvements on the SolidWorks site, concerning the default behavior of annotation attachment lines. See attached image.


So it confirms my idea that it's not totally customizable!

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While waiting for enhancement requests, you can select all annotations by activating the note selection filter and thus remove the attachment in one go.

Kind regards


Hello alain,

I found a macro ballooning, it might help you
