Remove a logo from the basemap when exporting to DXF


We export drawings in DXF format so that suppliers can incorporate them directly into their manufacturing tools. However, the cartouche logo is also converted during the export, which creates files of several tens of megabytes, for little use.

Is there an automatic way to indicate to exclude the logo when exporting? I didn't find it in the SW parmasters. FYI, the export is done via ePDM during a transition, by a DocPublication task of the MyPDMTools add-in.

Hello @Romain.Jouanny

I probably make my colleagues on this forum scream but in my practice I do the DXF export of machine control (laser in particular) from the part. PRT and not the plan. The export from the MEP for me is used to send plans for example to autocrad.

DXF can be used by almost all CAD software, as well as CNC and GIS software : due to the fact that it is an open source file format that is free for any user.

Kind regards


I don't see much other solution than a macro that changes the background map (to replace the one with the logo with a simplified one).
For existing plans, it's done or almost done but for the future, you can also edit the logo so that when exporting it generates less entity.

@Zozo_mp: often our customers ask us for the dxf of the MEP, otherwise, for the 3d, we provide a step.



How is your logo made?

Traits I guess? If this is the case, it is necessary to:

  1.  Put the logo on a specific layer
  2.  hide the layer when exporting DXF
  3. answer No to the question do you want to export the FDP not visible

If you want to keep the logo, either simplify it or integrate it into an image.

I use the second solution for customer exports.







[HS On]

You tell me that your client clients ask you for the dxf of the MEP: could it be because there is more information (additional dimensions, annotations etc...) in the MEP.  So what the machine needs is more consistent with the MEP or are there other reasons.

Pure curiosity on my part :-) Because it's always good to integrate the constraints of your colleagues.


Kind regards



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No worries about indiscretion my dear Zozo_mp,
I don't know, it's just a fact. My clients sometimes subcontract the production of their part, which allows me to send a single file with all the information (otherwise you need the pdf + the dxf). Sometimes we are asked for a "clean" DXF in the case of flat parts (in laser/waterjet cutting) but in this case, we just leave a dimension to validate the import.


Hi everyone.

At home, we have a more basic way of proceeding:)

In the MEP I have a FLOW tab where there are all my wood panels with the sides and the cartouche + watermark.

In order to export it in dwg (but dxf is the same) I copy the BITS tab that I rename DWG, then ctrl+A to remove all the annotations  and in the tree I delete the basemap (which tops the title block + watermark) Be careful to change the scale of your sheet, We work on scale 1 at 90% of the time.

And finally, save as DWG and I can open it on my other software to do the nesting for the CAD/CAM.


Kind regards

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Thank you all for your answers. Unfortunately, no proposed solution is possible. I still have to go for the macro that removes the logo before exporting in dxf, but as I work in an EPDM box I have to see what it implies...

Since the logo is in a well-defined area, you may be able to modify the dxf rather than the SW file.
The dxf being a text file, the logo can be placed on a specific layer at the SW level, it is then "easy" to delete the entities on a particular layer.
Let's see if the dxf is also in EPDM.