Remove a rebuild error


I would like to know if there was a specific manipulation to remove a 3D reconstruction error in the MEP feature manager when this 3D in question does not have any in all existing configurations.


Thank you in advance.



Is it the same configuration displayed in the plan and in the 3D?

Otherwise, you can try to make a recording under the room and the plan, or a composition to take away.


Stupid answer: did you check when developing your files that there were no errors?

(you can't see in the word)

Have a nice day


Yes, look in your folders "belt" "ears" notches" "markings"


There must be a hiccup somewhere.


Otherwise try to rebuild by clicking on the traffic light when you're in your mep.

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I had the same problem yesterday. First time it did that to me... I quit Solidworks and reopened and no more problem. I'm on SW2010.

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Hi all

Yes, I obviously check this kind of thing all over the feature manager tree.

Even when opening to another workstation, the defect appears.

By inserting the view similar to the one of the defect, no reconstruction error appears!


At worst I have to redo the drawing:(


Thank you in advance.

Additional request: could you send the developed tree of the identical (similar?) view that has no error, please?

And when trying my proposals, is it the same problem?


Is it the same configuration displayed in the plan and in the 3D?

Otherwise, you can try to make a recording under the room and the plan, or a composition to take away.


Always the same problem with a take-away composition, in the 3D tree everything is clean.

It is the same configuration in the MEP. On another post it shows me this time the error in the 3D tree, once it is repaired the reconstruction error still remains in the drawing.

I'll probably have to redo the drawing.

Thank you anyway.


 - Redo the drawing.