Highlighting in Chart View

Hello, since we installed Solidworks 2019, the part selected in the Feature Manager is only highlighted when we hover the mouse in the graphic view.

We didn't have this way of working before, is it a bug? Or a novelty? In any case, it's very annoying!

If you have any explanations to avoid this, we are takers.


Hello fifounet

I'm in V2019 and simply hovering over something in the feature manager changes the appearance of the part in the ASM, which allows you to spot it.

I don't have to click on the part to have it highlighted.

If I understood your PB correctly ;-) This is more a matter of updating options. You should look in option==> system option==>feature manager that's where it stands in my opinion. I can make you a copy of my settings so you can compare.

You can go back to the settings before switching if you bothered to save the personal rules file. SLDREG

Kind regards

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Thank you for your answer, I have the same settings as with 2018, it's weird in option => system option => Display, the Dynamic Highlight box is checked but grayed out. The same goes for FeatureManager. I don't see where to modify them.

Hi @fifounet

Indeed I hadn't noticed but I have the same functioning.

Tips that will surely not satisfy you but you can test it, just move the mouse cursor a little while staying in the featuremanager

  1. click on the part in the feature manager and a notch up the mouse wheel while remaining the future manager OR just move the mouse a little from right to left or from bottom to top
  2. You click twice on the part not too fast but it opens a submenu and that's not glop.
  3. you click right to select instead of left click but there also open a submenu (not practical)

The best is an upward wheel or a very slight movement of the cursor to the right or left, both movements while staying in the featuremanager

Kind regards

See the attachment


Thanks zozo, I don't know why the Dynamic Highlight box is checked but grayed out? we are in 2019 SP3 maybe we should evolve to the 4?


Hello fifounet44,

This is not a bug, this box is available only when the complex assembly mode is enabled, see HERE, and to enable or disable the complex assembly mode see HERE. Enabling the complex mode should theoretically solve your highlighting problem.

Kind regards


Hello d.roger,

Thanks for the tip, that's right, we loaded our assemblies in "Complex Assembly Mode" surely with a number of components greater than 500 before moving to 2019 which means that we had no or little display problem. I just changed all this and everything is as before!
Thank you again and have a good end of the year ;-)