Dynamic Graphical View Highlighting

Hi all

On several of our workstations equipped with SW 2018 SP4, it happens very often (several times a day) that the "Dynamic highlighting of the graphic view" box is unchecked by itself. This problem was already recurrent in SW 2015.

Has anyone ever encountered and solved this problem?

Thank you

Kind regards 

Marcoux Charles SECMA



Our forum colleague @.PL (whom I salute) pointed out to us this in 2014.


You could also check if a filter was not inadvertently set (Enable the filter of the FeatureManager tree)

Look here, a colleague seems to have found a solution https://www.lynkoa.com/forum/import-export-formats-neutres/plus-daffichage-des-ar%c3%a8tes-au-survol-souris

Digging a little deeper, I read this

Dynamic Graphical View HighlightingFaces, edges, and vertices are highlighted when you move the pointer over a sketch, model, or drawing. (This option is only available when Complex Assembly Mode is enabled.)

It's here towards the bottom of the Help http://help.solidworks.com/2014/French/SolidWorks/sldworks/HIDD_OPTIONS_EDGES.htm.

Kind regards



Thank you for your answer. Going through all this, I think my problem is very well summarized in this post:

 Olivier42 | 5312 point(s)

This bug has been known to SW for years, but is still not fixed,

like other options that sometimes change in "system option"

after maybe SW says that the problem is with windows, and vice versa... "

Kind regards