Curved surface, backrest and chair seat





Hello! I would like to model on solidworks in a single surface the seat and backrest of this chair but I don't know where to start at all and I get a little lost in the projected curves! Could someone help me?



Would you like to make the foundation of this chain in one piece? I would first do where or half of where you sit with the small part that falls for the legs, then it looks like the angle is identical on the contour. I would create a plan at its beginning near the foot then draw the sketch with the angle and make a sweep following the edge and remove the material to have the 1/2 chair to symmetrical to finish.


You have the front view and the side view.

You insert your image on the front plane (Sketch Image), you trace the outline with a spline.

You create a plane perpendicular to the middle of your room, you insert your image from the side and you trace the outline.

You create a projected curve between these two sketches,

You close in the middle and you make a border surface that allows you to adjust the start (normal to the profile).

You symmetrize the surface body and you sew the two surfaces.

Attached is an example made in a hurry in 2016.

Otherwise, you have plenty of examples on youtube, you type: BluePrint and SolidWorks on youtube

Good luck 



Here's a trick done to show you...


Thank you very much  for your advice!

The projected curve works well, now the only problem is that when I want to create the surface  I can't dig the seat as I would like to...  How do I make it look the same as in the photo? (attached is the file where I am blocked)
