Unfolded surface



I received this STEP file:

I have to turn it into a "flat" template to cut the same shape out of 1mm rubber.

I was thinking of thickening it and then trying to "unfold" it but, before going any further, I can't even thicken it.


The file is attached to the question, if you have any ideas, I'm interested.


Thank you all


I can't edit my question, so I specify here that it should be thickened outwards and not inwards.


Thank you

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With the "Offset surface" function I can create a thickness of 1mm inwards

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I would try like this:


All that remains is to adjust the ends and cut-outs...

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@Bart: Yes, me too but it's outwards and then, the hardest part, unfolding the whole thing.


@remrem: I can't open the drive :/

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Given your part (not too complicated at first glance), you would have done it faster to redraw it with a transition fold function and do 2 material removals. You would solve your 2 problems at once. No?


I get that, but then you have to unfold it.


+1 Benoit, I will have redone everything in volume.


Yes, that's for sure, after my lazy side sometimes takes over:D

But I don't think there are 50 solutions!

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@Jose, I had a teacher who told me that you have to be EFFICIENT lazy.  ;D


To unfold this part, it must be converted into sheet metal.


But to have this sheet metal part, it should not have so much non-flat face.


So for me, reproducing this part identically to unfold it is technically impossible for Solidworks.....


I'm going to repeat myself, but I think Logopres could do it.


Which version of SW José are you on?


Bart, are you sure it wouldn't work with a transition fold??????

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Benoit, as the ends are not flat (when you look in front view), I think it's impossible


Logopress? I didn't know anything about it!

I'm on SW 2014 SP0 (since my last crash...).

On the other hand, if someone has Logopress to do a test..

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Logopress is a software that is an addition to Solidworks.


It allows for unfolding complex shapes, as well as bending.


There is a test version to request from the dealer.


Here is the site: http://www.logopress3.com/fr/


Personally, I've never tested it, but according to my Solidworks reseller, it's very practical when you're in these situations.


:D Thank you Bart but double-check your link I think !! Not that I don't like your article on toys that have value but hey;)

(by the way, small HS, a Tamagotshi costs a lot in reality, even on Ebay...)

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I haven't looked in detail, but since it seems to be in the last few millimeters that it's not quite in continuity, there may be a way to simplify, especially for a flexible part. No?

To be seen with logopress, or, let's be crazy, with SW2015! Isn't this a new thing?

HS: I have to talk with my daughter to sell some old toys! $236 a Betty Spaghetti !!  200 a Lite Brite !! :D

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xD Sorry guys, wrong manip.


H.S: For me it's fake... Otherwise I'm rich $-)

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I looked a little yesterday, to draw this shape "identically" it's technically impossible in sheet metal.


So you have to either change the shape of the part a little or go through another software:p


After that, that's my personal opinion.


I even tried to redraw it entirely, but it blocks at the folds, because the spokes are much too bright.

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No, but I'll wait for the 15-day trial of logopress to give it a try.

If it doesn't work, I'll change the whole room.


Thank you in any case:)

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With SpaceClaim, I can make you flat without any problem.