Surface imported in classic volume

Hello, Good evening, first of all I would like to apologize if this post is duplicated :/

Here's my problem: after having tinkered with a helmet (for a cosplay armor ^^) on 3DSMax and then imported it into solidworks, I can't get a "modifiable" part and not being a pro in Solidworks surface I get stuck :/

I would like to get a changeable helmet so that I can then cut it into several parts using a CNC hot wire cutting machine.

I'm not sure my problem is well explained ^^"

Thank you for your help


What exchange format did you use?

The inner surface is missing, is this surface "sewn" to the outer surface in 3DS?



see attached...

Wow great thank you so much @a.leblanc :)

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You're welcome, it makes me progress and I like to make other pieces than those of my daily life.

Besides, if it can help, it makes me happy.

Have a nice day

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