Surface smoothing


I can't create a surface between my two sketches, yet they are closed... The only error displayed is that "the smoothing operation could not be completed".

I am attaching the file. I am under a 2016-2017 student license.

It's true that the surface is complicated to make: I'd like to create a surface almost identical to Surface-Smoothing15 but with the "outer" sketch offset by 0.8mm and with 2 kinds of hooks at the back, to sew with Surface-Smoothing15 and Surface-Plan2 and Surface-Plan3 and then form a volume. Not everything that follows Surface-Plan3 is particularly to be taken into account.

Thank you for your help.


it is possible to have screenshots we don't all have the same version or the same log

So if you want a quick answer it is desirable that it can be seen by everyone


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Yes of course, sorry I didn't think about it!

Here it is:


You can only put one photo at a time?!


One more...


Come on, one last one!

We see the "hooks" circled in blue. The 2 sketches contain the 4 profiles for the 2 smoothings.


If you use the postcard image in the replies tab, the image can be seen live in your message and you can put several of them

To see the screens I will do several smoothing and seams to get a single surface


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After looking at your file I suggest you do your smoothing without the pastes and generate them classically with an extrusion? :)

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Why not just use an offset surface, the result is the same?

You are looking for a path that is too complicated with a smoothing, if it is an identical surface offset it is done in 2s with a surface offset.

Edit: there is a place that needs to be reworked if you use the offset surface (at the level of the accentuated fold).


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Hello again,

I don't really know what you mean, gt22...

MaD, you have a good idea! But even without these legs, creating a volume is a problem.

A.Leblanc, I can't thicken, and even if an offset works after reworking the fold, I can't form a solid afterwards, neither with flat or filled overafces on the side and a seam, nor with an intersection, nor by thickening, nor by removing the face and then trying to fill...



(I'm attaching the file with a few tries... but we wouldn't see any change in the picture)



Your angles are too sharp in some places, you may need to revise the shape to soften the curves, and it might be too complicated to make.

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Oh, yes? So if it doesn't want to form volume, even if it has managed to shift the surface, it's because it's too complicated? Bug, it's limited there!

I'm going to 3D print it so no problem there. 

Are all surfaces properly closed? If so, sewing surfaces doesn't work? You can try a surface material removal on a volume body.

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Yes, I think the surfaces are closed or almost closed because I can sew them, but the form a volume option is grayed out.

I don't know this option at all... I'm going to try but I'm afraid of the worst!

The one and only walkthrough is to create a full volume

so close all sides 

and then create a shell

The thickness of the hull will be proportional via your perpendicular blank curve radii

so it's up to you to make sure to create the curves that accept a certain thickness


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Another walkthrough

Take your 2 closed sketches and create an extrusion on each one so you will have a sheet metal on each side

and resume your flan smoothing

it will ask you if you want to convert it to a solid , you check the box and you create a shell function


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